AACE Podcasts

Episode 40: AACE 2023 Obesity Stigma Consensus Statement


Join endocrine experts Karl Nadolsky, DO, DABOM, and Vin Tangpricha, MD, PhD, FACE, as they discuss the 2023 AACE Consensus Statement: Addressing Stigma and Bias in the Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Obesity/Adiposity-Based Chronic Disease and Assessing Bias and Stigmatization as Determinants of Disease Severity. Key topics include defining weight stigma, bias, and internalized weight bias (IWB), empowering patients and our global society to address obesity as a chronic disease, intervention recommendations using the 5A model, and much more. Visit https://www.endocrinepractice.org/article/S1530-891X(23)00335-X/fulltext to view the consensus statement in the June 2023 issue of Endocrine Practice.